Note!  Note:

Shift your job-hunt into high gear with all the right tools, both on and offline. Pocket Résumé Guide is proud to bring you Blair Gordon's favourite links and downloads, to get you organized.

——— My Favourite Resources ———

So, you're on a tight budget and looking for a job?  Can't afford software?  Maybe you don't even own a computer?  No problem.

I am pleased to bring you my favourite FREE resources, including FREE word-processing programs compatible with Microsoft Word that you can download legally and never have to pay for.

Getting you organized!And, if you don't own a computer, you can still open a FREE online account which will include a personal word-processor that works right over the Internet!

These online accounts let you type, edit, save, print, even store your documents (no more diskette!), and sometimes even e-mail your résumé and letters.

For example, you could be lined up in a government-sponsored job center waiting to use a computer with word-processing.  Why wait?  Take the one that just has Internet, login to your personal word-processing account, and get working!


I downloaded and installed, or signed up for and accessed the following programs in order to evaluate them for Pocket Résumé Guide:

[1] Abiword
[2] Adobe Buzzword
[3] AjaxWrite
[4] Angel Writer
[5] gOffice
[6] Google Docs and its...
[7] ...Template Gallery
[8] IBM Lotus Symphony
[ 9]  iNetWord
[10] Jarte
[11] Open­Office
[12] Peeple
[13] Solodox
[14] Thinkfree, and
[15] Zoho Writer.


Of all these, I retained the following as useful to a non-typist who needs to prepare a good quality résumé in a rush.  In other words, this is no time to learn new software!

  1. Abiword 2.6.6 (22.0 MB installed)
  2. Angel Writer 3.1 (2.04 MB installed)
  3. IBM Lotus Symphony
  4. Jarte
  5. Open Office
  6. and Google Docs with...
  7. ... a separate Template Gallery offering layouts for letters and résumés.

I narrowed the field by eliminating those with weird graphics or psychedelic visual effects, and retained only those with a clean, simple and professional interface. I focused on functionality (enough basic features to prepare a good résumé); size and speed of the download, and size on disk.


I then ranked the finalists on the charts below, giving you links to key pages on FAQ, System Requirements, and Down­loads.

Note:  "BG Rank" is Blair Gordon's ranking of each product for the purpose of résumé writing and job-search. Things I wouldn't accept for this purpose might very well suit you for something else.

I — FREE WORD-PROCESSORS (Downloads for your Computer)
Comments BG Rank
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Abiword (Word Processor)
System Reqs
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Angel Writer (Rich-Text Editor)

2.04 MB !
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
IBM Lotus Symphony (Suite)
System Reqs

Jarte (Compact Word-Processor)
System Reqs
♥ ♥ ♥
Open Office (Suite)
System Reqs

Comments BG Rank
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Google Docs (Word Processor)
Read More Below
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Google Docs Template Gallery
CV Templates
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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ABIWORD:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
At only 22 Megabytes installed, Abiword is a reliable classic lightweight emulating Microsoft Word, which makes it very user-friendly.  It does everything, including footnotes.  One drawback is the lack of decent templates.  There is just one résumé template in Abiword, and I wouldn't use it.  However, that should not hold you back if you need good quality, free word-processing software.  You can always find plenty of free résumé templates on the Internet.

ANGEL WRITER:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Neat, clean, small, professional, the bantam-2MB Angel Writer downloaded and installed in under 30 seconds.  With quite a bit more functionality than the free Wordpad that comes installed in Windows, it can do almost everything that an expensive and huge download of Microsoft Word can do, except footnotes and spellcheck.  But then, WordPad can't do footnotes, either.  As for spellcheck, you can always download a FREE version of Tiny Spell for Windows (* see more on this, below.)

Why pay over a hundred dollars for Microsoft Word when Angel Writer and Abiword are free?  If all you need to do is type, then this is your program.  (If you are a student or an academic and you need the footnote function, you should get Abiword.)

IBM Lotus Symphony (Suite):  ♥
I'm including this in the event you really like the IBM name, and that's the reason you prefer this download. But, this is not my favourite. It's a huge download, amost a gig, and if you have a small or older computer or laptop, it may not fit, and you'll have a hard time getting a partial download out again. So, be warned, if you want this IBM word-processor (which comes in a suite), you must have more than a gig of free space to instal and use it.

JARTE (Compact Word-Processor):  ♥ ♥ ♥
Jarte has a personality of its own. If you like the Jarte icons and layout better than the Angel Writer setup, go ahead and use it. It works just fine!

OPEN OFFICE (Suite):  ♥
Open Office works if you type a letter, but if you are setting up a CV, and using the Table function to organize it with a column for the dates, another column for the company name and details, you may one day be really upset about OpenOffice. The table function doesn't hold. Each time you open your document to work on it, or to print it, the borders of any table you have made will have slid to the right very slightly. In other words, the Tables get wider, all by themselves. They slip outside the page margin. Finally, after you've opened your document many times, the Table borders will "slop" all way past the page margin, right off the far right edge of the actual page itself. It is very hard to fix your tables when this happens. It has happened to me in OpenOffice 2 and 3.

I therefore don't recommend OpenOffice unless you are writing a very plain CV that does not use tables.

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GOOGLE DOCS (Word-Processor):  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
In the Internet era, privacy is of paramount importance.  The less you disclose online, the better.  However, if I had no computer, and no access to one, I would use Google Docs.

Big Happy Surprise:  Google Docs is integrated with your Gmail email account. It has a beautiful interactive calendar to schedule your interviews and appointments.  It's got maps, just click the hand-cursor to zoom in on highways and bus routes to plan your trip to your interview!

With its built-in Writely word-processing system, and its online file storage for your documents, Google Docs is ideal if you are obliged to job-hunt in a public or government job center, or in Internet Cafes.

You can upload an existing résumé from CD, USB-key or diskette, right into Google Docs to work on it.  Then, you can save it there, in your online document storage.  And it's FREE!

How to UPLOAD an existing CV into Google Docs:

Easily upload your documents into Google Docs to store them for printing online, or to continue working on them. Watch this 30-second video:

If you already have a Gmail account, then you already have Google Docs.  Just sign in to Gmail, go to your "My Account" page, and click on the "Docs" icon above the little blue "Notebook" icon.  Once inside Docs, click on "New" (top left) and select "Document."  And there you are!  Ready to write a résumé.

At a completely separate location, Google offers document templates that work with the Google Docs word-processor in your Gmail account.  I could not find a way to get at the templates from inside the Docs account, so it was lucky I already knew they exist, and they include some very nice résumé templates.

Click on that link, go in and have a look at the résumé templates.  I prefer the Classic Resume template, because you can never go wrong.  I also like Modern Grey, which is ideal to vertically space out your information when you have a slim résumé and you need to make more of it.

Another thing I like about the Google Docs résumé templates, each one sets you up for a complete résumé on ONE page.  In Pocket Résumé Guide, I teach you how to write a one-page résumé.

To work with your Classic Résumé, click on the button under it called "Use this template".  Now, the Google Docs login page will come up, inviting you to sign in.  Type in your name and password, which are the same as for your Gmail account, and the instant you enter your account, the Classic Résumé template is right there in front of you, waiting for you to work on it!  Now, all you need is a copy of Pocket Résumé Guide, and you're on your way.

However, if I had a cell phone or a blackberry with a calendar feature in it, that would be more private than organizing my life in a file on the Internet.

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This template gallery is a terrific idea. I've browsed through Google Docs' résumé templates, and would recommend two of them, in particular, for their professional look and style:

Comments BG Rank
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Tiny Spell (Spellchecker)
Click to Instal/Run
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Word Web (Dictionary-Thesaurus)
Read More Below
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


TINY SPELL:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Tiny Spell is a free download. Once installed, it sits in your system tray (bottom right of your screen) and alerts you to potential typos by hovering a copy of a misspelled word in red above your cursor. If you click on the red word, a vertical list pops up of words you might have intended.

WORD WEB:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
A less intrusive spelling fix comes from WordWeb, a sleek desktop thesaurus-dictionary, also trained to sit in your status bar, ready when you need it. I use it all the time, for spelling and for its excellent definitions.

 Guaranteed Quality for the Money